Thursday, April 12, 2007

Paper towel tube doo doo doo

Today was relatively low key, which was much welcomed after a first week that gave me a ton of blisters! I got in at 8 this morning, we talked about what was going on today, and went to watch Dr P give Grand Rounds. Her talk was about aldose reductase inhibitors for the prevention of diabetic cataracts in dogs. It looks cool, but because results for peripheral neuropathies in humans have been disappointing (side effects for the lose), there isn't anything available on the market. 90% of dogs have cataracts 18 months after being diagnosed with diabetes. Scary numbers.

(There's odd thumping from the other room, I hope Oberon doesn't get squished!)

Then I took the 9am recheck appointment, a cat who had massively severe uveitis in one eye two weeks ago and was here today for a recheck. The eye is about 95% better! Woooot. I kinda blew my exam though... I forgot to use the slit lamp to actually EVALUATE the uveitis - though I did a pretty reasonable exam other than that. We put the cat on antibiotics for another couple of weeks just in case it was toxoplasmosis and the antibiotics were the reason that it got better (could have been the steroids...). I managed to correctly diagnose a pupil that did not respond to light as an eye that had atropine put in it daily for the last two weeks, go me! (We gave it atropine to keep it's pupil as wide open as possible so all the inflammation wouldn't make the iris stick to the lens of the eye.)

(Update, it was a wrapping paper tube that he was wrestling to it's death)

Then I went and watched the eye be removed from the cat that I saw yesterday. He was doing well this morning, and did great in surgery. Next Dr D and R removed the eye of a little mini poodle. She was a GIANT sweetheart, and we cuddled for about an hour tonight while waiting for her mom and brother (a little black mini poodle) to come pick her up. R actually got to do some of the cutting of the conjunctiva during the surgery! It was awesome!!

I grabbed myself a quick lunch of leftover pizza from last night (did I mention that I was so exhausted last night that I ordered pizza and drank wine and put myself to bed early?), and relaxed for a couple of minutes. We had lab with the sophomores from 1-5, and I think I did a much better job this week. We had about a half hour break between labs, during which I grabbed a Coke Zero and chatted with A who had a concurrent break from her surgery rotation. It was nice to get to see her.

I hung out until we managed to do a quick rounds, and then waited with R to do the discharge of the poodle so that she could give me a ride home afterwards.

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