Friday, March 23, 2007

No more teachers, no more books...

Today was the last day of classes!! It's been so long coming, yet it seems kind of surreal. We don't start clinics for another two weeks though. Next week is a course on law, ethics and practice management - technically still a class, but an 8-5 pass/fail kinda class. Trust me, it doesn't count. Same prof, same expectations, same classroom - it's not the same as having 2 hour blocks of class. Then is a week of orientation - which is "technically" our first rotation. Dr Novo is the rotation coordinator, so if he's in his usual hilarity, it's going to be kind of awesome.

This weekend is our White Coat Ceremony, where we are individually presented with white coats to signify leaving the classroom and entering clinics. My mom, dad and nana will land in about 10 minutes so that they can be here for the ceremony :) My boy is obviously coming too.

Tonight is the annual "spring pig roast". However, whoever arranged it this year did a crappy job. While the theme is Luau, and prizes will be awarded for best costume, they have failed to roast a pig. Which seems like a giant waste of a party dedicated to roasting a pig to me. Also, the powers that be have told us that it has to be alcohol free. I'm going to have to find another excuse to get drunk this weekend - think I can find one? Anyways, back to the food. They're ordering catered Italian food. Did I mention it was a little ridiculous. Italian food. At a Luau. ::sigh::


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